Sport Program Association
Online Registration Instructions
To register for a sport, click "Student Registration".
Remember to check ELIGIBILTY.
STEP 1: Student Registration
STEP 2: Medical Release Form
STEP 3: Membership Fee
Are you unsure about the cost of membership?
Have any inquiries? That's OK. Your child's membership fee can be paid when he or she has been assigned to a team.
Don't forget to ask your coach about the
Family Membership Fee!!
Eligible students should be home schooled or attend school online, not connected to a public school. Students of Potter's Hand are also eligible.
San Angelo residents may be eligible to participate in SAHSSA sports activities if no teams are offered through their school programs or in their local area. Please reach out to individual SAHSSA Sport VPs for more information.
Noteworthy: Registraion support hours have changed to 8:30AM - 5PM Monday - Friday, (CDT).